Subject: The Real Reason Petraeus Resigned?

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"Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them.." ~ Ronald Reagan |
Lies, D-mned Lies, And What Is Worse: STUPID Lies! |
![]() America's Conservative News Petraeus towed the party line with the video but refused to fall on the sword and say the CIA gave this stand down order, thus implicating that it was Obama who had denied help to both the consulate and CIA annex which later came under attack. Read the Full Story |
Will The Anti-Christ Be Muslim? |
There is a growing and erroneous belief these days that the Anti-Christ will ![]() Read More About The Final Crusade And The Rise Of Islam |
Why The Sudden Urgency? |
![]() By Terence P. Jeffrey Paula Broadwell, a reserve Army officer who reportedly had an extramarital affair with Gen. David Petraeus, co-authored a feature about him for the Washington Post earlier this year that focused on the days leading up to Petraeus's June 23, 2011 confirmation hearing as director of the CIA and depicted his resolve not to resign his military command even if he disagreed with President Obama's decision to withdraw surge troops from Afghanistan by the end of the summer of 2012. Read the Full Story |
Was Hurricane Sandy A Wake-Up Call? |
Hurricane Sandy drove the point home. Statistics show that when food ![]() Watch The Video |
What/Where Is Benghazi? |
![]() By Doug Hagmann Based on information provided by my source and corroborated elsewhere, the official account by administration officials is a mosaic of lies that were necessary to cover the unpalatable truth of covert actions taking place in Libya, Syria, Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon. The primary objective of our covert actions was to secretly arm anti-Assad "rebels" in Syria by funneling arms from Libya to Syria via Turkey, with other destinations that included Jordan and Lebanon. Regarding the threat to Stevens and the other murdered Americans, the truth will reformat the persistent question posed to government officials, from UN Ambassador Susan Rice to White House Spokesman Jay Carney and others from "how could you not have known" to "how could you have done these things?" Read the Full Story |
Avoid This One Food Like The Plague |
Take a few minutes to watch this free video from Isabel De Los Rios who ![]() Watch The Video |
More Ill-Advised Than Fast & Furious: Gun Running To Jihadists |
![]() By Aaron Klein WorldNetDaily The speculation surrounding the sudden resignation of CIA Chief General David Petraeus is focusing in large part on his role in an alleged cover-up of the attacks against the U.S. mission in Benghazi this past September. Perhaps overlooked is the CIA’s role in purportedly using the Benghazi mission to coordinate U.S. aid to Syrian opposition groups and information those same insurgents include jihadists openly acting under the al-Qaida umbrella. Read The Full Story |
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