
Fw: Is Barack Obama the Next Fidel Castro?

Sent: Fri, October 5, 2012 11:58:29 AM
Subject: Is Barack Obama the Next Fidel Castro?

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Declaration Alliance
On Behalf of:
Christifideles PAC
1725 E. 15th Street
Edmond, OK 73013


My good friends at Christifideles PAC have produced a documentary that you must view.  In the 4-minute video clip, a Cuban refugee explains what happened in his home country in the 1950s, when Fidel Castro usurped power.
His story is incredibly moving.  He describes what happened in his once-beautiful, thriving island nation as it was overthrown by a Marxist cabal.  What is even worse is that his friends in Cuba say that the same thing is happening again - only this time, it's happening in America!
Please watch this video testimony, and then help Christifideles PAC warn Americans about this threat.
The "change" that Barack Hussein Obama has been implementing here is dangerously like the "change" that Fidel Castro brought to Cuba 50-plus years ago.
Image of Alan Keyes
Image of Obama-Castro VideoAccording to the Cuban refugee in this video, less than one percent of the people in Cuba now openly identify as Christians.  Churches in that nation are now crumbling tourist attractions.
Watch this video today, and send the link to your friends and family so they can see the startling truth for themselves. We must get the word out before it's too late.
My good friend, retired Lt. Gen. William G. "Jerry" Boykin has been warning Americans about this threat for months now. 
The policies of "change" that Barack Obama is implementing are a mirror image of the policies of Fidel Castro, Josef Stalin, Mao Zedong and other murderous tyrants.
Mr. Obama has called for a nationalized civilian police force that is just as well-funded and equipped as the military.  He has issued Executive Orders that allow him to suspend the Constitution, declare martial law and confiscate firearms.  The lapdog media discredits and marginalizes his opponents.
Read the evidence for yourself.  The six-step plan that Mr. Obama is forcing on Americans is the exact same Marxist formula that Castro followed in Cuba. 
If we don't get the word out about this startling video testimony to as many Americans as possible in the next four weeks, it may be too late.  We have to warn people about what is happening in our nation, and about how Barack Obama is implementing a socialist takeover of our country.
Please send a generous online donation today, and help us get the word out to as many people as we can.  The future of America and our liberty depend on it.
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The parallels between the lives and policies of Barack Obama and Fidel Castro sound a clear alarm.  Both the constitutional and religious foundations of our nation are under attack by forces absolutely hostile to freedom and responsible self government.
It happened in Cuba, and it can happen here.
Americans MUST realize that the institutions ensuring their God-given liberty are in peril, and it is their civic and spiritual duty to wake up, mobilize politically and resist their destruction.
Send all of your friends and family here so they can watch this video today.
If the link does not work for you, just cut and paste the following full link in your browser window:
Alan Keyes, Chairman
Declaration Alliance
On Behalf of Christifideles PAC
1725 E. 15th Street
Edmond, OK 73013

PH: 888-278-1383

Please forward this vital message to
all of your friends & acquaintances. 

★ Patriot PAC ★
Grassroots Campaign Creations, Ltd.
2360 Corporate Circle, Suite 400
Henderson, Nevada 89074