
Fw: Fwd: Fw: Fwd: No. 1 issue that should defeat Obama - KEEP THIS MOVING

Sent: Thu, October 25, 2012 2:21:32 AM
Subject: Fwd: Fw: Fwd: No. 1 issue that should defeat Obama - KEEP THIS MOVING

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Date: Wed, 24 Oct 2012 20:42:46 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Fw: Fwd: No. 1 issue that should defeat Obama - KEEP THIS MOVING

Subject: No. 1 issue that should defeat Obama - KEEP THIS MOVING
This is interesting.
Please think about forwarding to everyone in your address book,
especially anyone with
relatives in the military, etc.  You military folks and dependents
have a vested interest
in checking this out.   Those who are retired military, please forward
to your friends!
Here's the number one issue that will help defeat Obama.
        It's not Obamacare.
        It's not his religious views.
        It's not his commitment to socialist and anti-American causes.
        It's not even the birth certificate and his eligibility issues.
If Republicans make it an issue, it's his administration's proposed
budget cuts for
active-duty military personnel and military retirees - but not
civilian defense workers!!!
Get the picture?
Obama has tipped his hand. He's showing the entire country what he
thinks of our
military service people - the people who risk their lives for our
country are worth less
than civilian defense workers who push papers around in Washington.
Chances are you don't know much about this story, and there's good
reason.   The Big Media
don't want you to know because they recognize the political
radioactivity it represents. This is
the Death Star for Obama's re-election campaign. If Americans know
about it - Republicans, Democrats and independents all oppose him.
Here are the details of the story broken by the intrepid Bill Gertz:
    a. "The Obama administration's proposed defense budget calls for
military families and
retirees to pay sharply more for their health care while leaving
unionized civilian defense worker' benefits untouched."
  b. "Several congressional aides suggested the move is designed to increase
the enrollment in Obamacare's state-run insurance exchanges."
  c. "The disparity in treatment between civilians and uniformed personnel
is causing a backlash within the military that could undermine recruitment
and retention."
  d. "Significantly, the plan calls for increases between 30 percent to 79
percent in Tricare annual premiums for the first year. After that, the plan
will impose five-year increases ranging from 94 percent to 345 percent
- more than three times current levels."
Think about it-- and imagine how you'd campaign against Obama on just
this one issue.
U.S. military service people don't get the equipment they need to do their
jobs. They don't have the manpower they need to complete their missions.
Their families scrimp and sacrifice financially so they can serve their
country. They risk their lives and give their lives for their country.
But, according to the Obama administration, unionized civilian defense
workers, sitting behind their comfortable desks in Washington, deserve
better treatment than our heroes serving overseas in Iraq and Afghanistan
and elsewhere.
It's almost unbelievable that Obama could serve up a slow-pitch softball
like this for Republicans to knock out of the park.  What's even more
is that none of them has!
Which is why I've written this column.
Obama should have to pay for this. Whether or not he backs off, whether or not
Congress throws his budget out the window, whether or not these cuts are
ever enacted, Obama needs to pay a big political price for showing his
cards. Republicans need
to remind Americans every day that Obama is the guy who wants to cut
medical care for soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen - all while
preserving the goodies for Washington bureaucrats.
Men and women who put their lives on the line, who risk their health and
well-being, are treated like second-class citizens in ObamaWorld.  He
signaled his absolute contempt for the U.S. military - not just the
institution of the military, but the active-duty grunts
on the front lines.  This is an easy one for the American people to
understand. So where are the Republicans?  Where are the talk-show
hosts?  Where is the blogosphere chatter?
Obama has stepped in something very smelly here. Why aren't more Obama
critics making hay of it?  Can you understand it?
I can -- Obama and the muslim brotherhood, would like The United States
to lose it's "position of strength" in it's bargaining power.
If we lose our military, we lose our creditability in the world's
political arena.
So, weaken our military, and our creditability is weakened.
Ben H. Willingham
Association of Naval Aviation
Bald Eagle Squadron
P. O. Box 621
Orange Park, FL 32067-
Barbara Pittman