Sent: Fri, January 11, 2013 9:23:08 AM
Oh I really enjoyed these pictures as so unusual. Great photos!
I am slow lately as still down sick after 3 weeks. I did more doctoring yesterday
And hope this latest meds will get me back to normal. Me, normal? Well, I will
My best to all, Marilyn
Sent: Tuesday, January 08, 2013 5:42 PM
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 2:11 AM
Some more photo's for you to look at...............

-----Original Message-----
Happy New Year!!!!!!
Subj: Breathtaking Photography
Some truly beautiful pictures here !!!!!
Anheuser-Busch is on the phone and they want to talk to you....
Paradise Tanager...mostly found in South America
(I know, "no trees were harmed in the making of this playhouse" ... Right ? :-)
At Wat Samphran (ÇÑ´ÊÒÁ¾ÃÒ¹) in Nakhon Pathom Province there is a 17 storyBuilding that has a giant dragon climbing to the roof. The head is at the top whereThere is a shrine and the tail is on the ground floor. The dragon is hollow and it isPossible to walk up some sections of it.
This house was designed by Rudy Ricciotti. The unique architecture includes aPool house, which is like a window in the living room where you can enjoy notOnly swimming in the water, but the person swimming in it with the effect of theOutdoor landscape which is reflected through the window.
Meanwhile, in China .
The Aiguille du Midi cable car leaves from the centre of Chamonix . It takes visitorsUp to 3842m for a stunning view of the French Swiss and Italian alps. —
Paradise ! Jungfrau Mountain Range , Switzerland
Hallgrímskirkja (244 ft), is the largest church and the sixth tallest architecturalStructure in Iceland . ( floating on permafrost?)
The Melisanni Cave , Greece . This beautiful cave, which was discovered in 1951And is surrounded by forests, features in Greek mythology as the cave of theNymphs.
Thermal baths inside a cave - Miskolc Tapolca , Hungary
New Town Hall in Hanover , Germany .
Piva Canyon , Bosnia and Herzegovina
Lake Mellisani on the island of Kephalonia Greece .How many people can you get in a row boat? (just a thought)
Manarola , Italy ..The Grand Canyon Skywalk
The Grand Canyon Skywalk is a transparent horseshoe-shaped cantilever bridgeAnd tourist attraction in Arizona near the Colorado River on the edge of a sideCanyon in the Grand Canyon West area of the main canyon. USGS topographicMaps show the elevation at the Skywalk's location as 4,770 ft (1,450 m) and theElevation of the Colorado River in the base of the canyon as 1,160 ft (350 m), andThey show that the height of the precisely vertical drop directly under the skywalkIs between 500 ft (150 m) and 800 ft (240 m).Commissioned and owned by the Hualapai Indian tribe, it was unveiled March 20,2007, and opened to the general public on March 28, 2007. It is accessed via theGrand Canyon West Airport terminal or a 120-mile (190 km) drive from Las Vegas ,Which includes a 10-mile (16 km) stretch of dirt road which is currently underDevelopment. The Skywalk is east of Meadview and north of Peach Springs withKingman being the closest major city.
Palawan Underground River or St. Paul Subterranean River – Longest NavigableUnderground River in the World
This is the most famous cave in the Philippines . The longest underground river wasDiscovered a few years back in Mexico somewhere in the Yucatan . St. PaulUnderground River in Palawan , Philippines may not be the longest undergroundRiver in the world anymore, but it is still the world’s longest navigable undergroundRiver. The navigable part of the river inside the cave of the 4000-acre St. PaulSubterranean River stretches 15 kilometers in length (5 miles). St. Paul Cave isThe 3rd deepest cave in the country —
The Seven Sisters (Norwegian: De Syv Søstrene or Dei Sju Systrene, also knownAs Knivsflåfossen) is the 39th tallest waterfall in Norway .
Plitvice Lakes National Park in the Lika region of Croatia .
View from hotel window in the United Arab Emirates !
Jasper Park Lodge, Jasper Alberta , Canada
Villas Vista Hermosa , Costa Rica
Amazing Norway !!!
Sea Caves near Benagil Beach , Algarve , Portugal .
Amazing Constructions..!! Barcelona .
Beautiful village of Hallstatt - Austria :
The beautiful Victoria Water FallsBeautiful Display Of The Balance Between Predators & Prey In Nature? or (school is in session?)
____________________________________________________________ Woman is 53 But Looks 25
Mom reveals 1 simple wrinkle trick that has angered
Love Ya, Alisha